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Search Key: U5f0e  Current Dictionary: Jpn-Eng General (EDICT) (Partial match - original key: 5f0e ) (Match[es]: 1)

[Uni] 5f0e [部首] 56 [画数] 6 [異体字]  [音] サン ゾウ  [訓] み.つ みっ.つ  [英]  three More kanji details
Legend: 部首 - radical number, 教育 - school grade level, 画数 - stroke count, 異体字 - variant kanji, 音 - ON reading, 訓 - KUN reading, 名 - name reading, 部 - radical name, 英 - meaning

the current dictionary for compounds of the selected kanji Kanji position - initial: any: common words only (EDICT):
Link to information about this kanji in:

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